Bespoke, Personalized Coaching & Mentoring ADVISORY

Backed by the experiences of over 3 decades amongst the topmost brands in the global fashion capital, Milan, we help you take your dreams higher, expand your business and realize your brand potential through our coaching and mentoring services.

We help build efficiency, drive innovation, bring about cost reductions and help enhance risk management capabilities while bringing about growth to designers, retailers and lifestyle brands.
Where required, our consulting services transforms into a more personalized mentoring relationship, recognizing and catering to unique needs of individual situations.
Our consulting services include:

  • Start Up Mentoring program
  • Business Development Consultation
  • Brand & Product development
  • Sourcing and Production
  • Creative direction
  • Look book shooting
  • Website development
  • Trend forecasting and analysis
  • Retail strategy
  • Comprehensive retail concepts
  • Distribution advice